-Where can I get a Monster Coupon Book?
We are located in over 1500 locations from Georgetown, SC to Wilmington, NC and throughout Horry County. You can pick up a books at Food Lion, your rental agency, look for our yellow racks along sidewalks or ask your hotel front desk clerk. If you’re not in our area yet and want to start planning your vacation, order a book online to be mailed to your door or download our app! Book Request
-How do I save a coupon on the website?
Simply click the scissors icon at the top right of the coupon to “clip”. It will automatically save and a notification number will show in your “clippings” section at the top right of the web page. Click the “clippings” icon to see all the coupons you have saved.

-How do I print a coupon from the website?
Click the printer icon at the top right of the coupon.
-When do your coupons expire?
Most coupons are good throughout the whole year of print. The book is released in April, so most coupons are good until April. The few that do expire are usually by the end of the current year and you will see an expiration date on both the printed and digital coupon. It always helps to ask the business if it can still be accepted, even if it’s expired.
-How do I advertise in the Monster Coupon Book?
The Monster Coupon Book only prints once a year and is released in the month of April. Our deadlines for sales is in December. If you’re interested in advertising rates for the next year’s book, please contact one of our sales reps: juliah@themonstercouponbook.com OR heather@themonstercouponbook.com
-How do I get a Monster Coupon Book rack at my place of business or get books for my rental property?
Contact our Distribution Manager: christa@themonstercouponbook.com
Our distributors run 5 days a week throughout our distribution area and can easily drop off racks/books where they are needed or you are welcome to come to our office to pick them up if that’s more convenient.
Didn’t find the answer to your question? Give us a call! 843-293-7338